Educating the Christian Community on Civic Responsibilities


In the prologue of his 1382 English translation of the Bible, John Wycliffe said, “The Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.”

On November 19, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln concluded his Gettysburg address, sating, “…this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Our type of government is a direct result of the intentions and design of the founding fathers.  Their intent was that Christians be involved and active in government.

By God’s grace, over 600 years after John Wycliffe translated the Scriptures into English, we still have a government of the people, by the people  and for the people.  It is God Who has given this government to us.  WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT.

When Christians fail to vote, they fail to carry out God’s sacred responsibility of stewardship.


Our founding fathers came to America because they experienced religious persecution.  They designed a government that would allow them to express their religious viewpoints.

Because God has given us a representative form of government, we have a responsibility to vote for leaders who best express our convictions.

Christians have all the same rights as everyone else in society to express their viewpoints.  When Christians fail to vote, they fail to express their viewpoints.  When Christians fail to vote, they fail to express their viewpoint and leaders are elected whose viewpoints often contradict their religious beliefs.

It is no surprise then when legislation is passed that is contrary to Christian beliefs.  By failing to be involved in government, people with conflicting viewpoints will control the direction of government.

Be faithful! Know when the elections are.  Learn who the candidates are and what issues they stand on.  The only way to preserve your religious freedoms is to elect government officials who will protect your convictions!

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