Thank You for Your Support

We are grateful for each of you who have made the choice to financially support our ministries. We have known some of you for many years, and others of you have recently joined the ranks of those who have been used of God to financially meet our needs down through the years.

As we move into this new phase of our lives and ministry, we appreciate your encouragement. Once our move is accomplished, our desire is to continue to build relationships and partnerships in ministry to continue to minister effectively for the Church of Jesus Christ.

We see that the pressure on religious freedoms is continuing to grow, both on the federal and state level. That means we have an increased responsibility in working to defend our God-given freedom of the exercise of our religious beliefs.

Please pray for continued church and individual support so we can have the liberty to step out and do whatever is necessary to help defend our first amendment freedoms of the exercise of our religious beliefs and the freedom of speech. Remember, we are fighting a spiritual battle, not against people, but against principalities and powers of spiritual wickedness in high places. Thank you for your prayers and support.